Seasoned star Balakrishna has scored a hattrick in Hindupur Assembly Constituency in Andhra Pradesh and matched his father and legendary politician Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao. “Balakrishna has scored a hatrick by winning the MLA seat again and joined his father and TDP founder NTR who brought Hindupur into limelight,’ says Prasanna Kumar, a kin of Nandamuri family. “Hindupur has been the bastion of the Nandamuri family from 1980s to 2024 since even actor-politician Harikrishna won elections in between NTR and Balarkrishna,’ he adds.
Even in 2019, when former Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy swept the polls in Andhra Pradesh, the scion of Nandamuri family stood tall and emerged winner in Hindupur with a bigger margin than in 2014. “Balakrishna has become a darling of Hindupur voters which has BCs and Muslim voters in big numbers and people of other castes also stood behind the son of legendary NTR, ‘ he adds.
Apart from being a matinee idol and riding on charisma with big hits like ‘Akhanda’ and ‘Veera Simha Reddy’, he also does a lot of service in his constituency. “He has ensured surplus water for drinking and agriculture purposes and also a branch of his Basavatarakam Hospital treats poor patients with care and concern,’ adds Prasanna Kumar, who claims that once the road between Anantapur to Benguluru looked like a desert, now it is all greenery around with grape gardens and stuff as you drive down. “Balakrishna spares two or three hours daily despite being busy with shooting and interacts with people from his constituency and provides all kinds of help including financially,” he points out. Even his wife Vasundhara Devi also checks out Hindupur quite often and resolves people’s woes.
In 2024 elections, Balakrishna was asked to expand his campaign trail on the request of party workers and he toured all of Rayalaseema region and the alliance bagged more than 50-odd seats including 10 wins from Anantapur alone. “His charisma and crowd pulling prowess is unmatched both on screen and in the political arena too,” he concludes.
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